Friday, September 9, 2011

The Second Week... A Success!

So the second week... a success! I cannot believe how much we have done this past week. Amazing! We have been working hard on our rhyming. The children love to make up silly rhymes ... the book "Sheep in a Jeep" helped us a lot. Did you see the rhyming book that your child made? They were all so proud of it... they couldn't wait to show you! We also have been looking at rhyming words within familiar poems, such as "Jack be Nimble" and "One, Two, Buckle my Shoe." The children were able to act out each poem, creating movements that made them enjoy the poems even more!

We have been exploring counting and numbers in math. Did your child tell you that "Zero the Hero" came to visit the classroom to teach them about the number zero? I don't have pictures, for Zero the Hero was me (shhhh... don't tell!) They absolutely loved it!

Families and exploring oneself has been a big topic this week. We talked about how each family is different, but all our families are "glued" together by the same thing: love. The children ended their week by making self-portraits of themselves. They were given a picture of themselves and their task was to draw exactly how they looked in the picture...everything from eyecolor to eyelashes! Take a look!

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