Monday, October 29, 2012

Online Homework

Wow! What a storm! It's exciting when work, school, etc is cancelled....but it's important to remember those people who will suffer true devastation due to this storm. Due to the cancellation, there is online homework for the children:

1. Please read and solve the following number stories. Make sure to tell a parent the strategy you used to solve the problem (use your fingers, count with tallies, count out loud, draw a picture, draw a number model, mental math, use a number line, etc....)

  • Melania has 10 shirts. She gives 4 shirts to her younger sister. How many shirts does she have now?
  • You have a nickel. You buy 3 pieces of gum for 1 cent each. How much money do you have left?
  • You have 8 cents. How much more money do you need in order to buy a crayon for 9 cents?
  • An eraser costs 8 cents. Scissors costs 10 cents. How much less does the eraser cost than the scissors?
  • Evelyn and Aaliyah were trying to save up for a new ball. They have 2 nickels. The ball costs 15 cents. How many more cents do Evelyn and Aaliyah need to buy the ball?

2. Please write at least 3-4 complete sentences about your feelings about the storm and the effects it had on your neighborhood. What do you observe? Are there more leaves on the ground, fallen sticks from trees, did you lose your power, etc... You can start your piece of writing by saying "The storm made me feel _________ because ________________. I see ______________ outside.  Remember your punctuation and finger spaces!

If you did lose power at some point: Please discuss with a parent what people did when they did not have power. How did they live?

Also, practice your spelling words and the different patterns you notice about each word.

Stay safe, warm, and dry! I will thinking of you!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to bring your work to school on Wednesday to get credit!
