Saturday, November 2, 2013

Hi Everyone! Happy Saturday and Happy November!

Well, the children's puppetry project is underway! It all started from when the children were showing interest with playing, making, and watching puppets. However, they would create and use the puppets without a purpose. That is where I come in! The children are learning how to create characters from puppets, as well as retell stories using their creations. The children have been engaged with making stick and bag puppets, but it is not over yet! Not having any place to perform, the children brainstormed different ways to create a puppet theater. Aurora had the idea of making the theater out of a big box, and then cutting a hole in the front. They problem solved where the theater should go. Thinking that the box could go in front of our word wall, Sam brought up the point that it would cover up the words and it is not enough space to get around and enter the box. The children have had so much fun designing the puppet theater. They have covered the box with big, black paper, and have helped cutting the window out. How will they get in you ask? The children want to cut a door in the back, as well as hang lights, add curtains, and add the backdrop, or setting, for the show. Teaching about the elements of a good story right now is important, for the children are beginning to create their own books. The elements of a story include the characters, setting, problem and solution, and the beginning, middle, and end. I am also teaching the children that characters can be more then just people, but they can also be things and animals. The children are in the middle of making their own "Grouchy Ladybug" book, though they are adding their own special twist. For instance, Gabriel is writing about "The Angry Fox," Charles is writing about "The Angry Tiger," Nina is writing about "The Lonely Fish," and Kaiden is writing about "The Enthusiastic Fish." What wonderful titles! The children love to think about themselves as an author, and all it takes is a pencil and a few pieces of paper stapled together.
Below: Sam is helping Mrs. Bowen by clearing the space where our puppet theater went! Luke is busy taping the paper to the box. Nina is working on tracing letters to make the title for our puppet show.

The children have also been interested in the idea of frost. They were so excited one morning because they saw a lot of frost on the ground and on leaves during our nature walk. But what exactly is frost? When does frost go away? The children are beginning to investigate this concept. In the morning we made predictions on whether or not the frost would still be there by the time of recess. Eight children said it would be gone, and eight children thought it would still be there. Sure enough, we went out to the same spot the children saw the frost to see if it was still there and it wasn't! They are wondering why it is gone, as well as why frost forms on some leaves but not on all leaves.

Above: The children examine the exact spot where they had seen frost earlier that morning!

In math, the children are learning how to write their numbers correctly. To help at home, here are the chants that I am teaching them:
Zero: "Curve from the top: be a hero! Close the loop and make a zero."
One: "Top to the bottom....then you're done. You just made the number one!"
Two: "Half a moon, there's more to do; slide to the right, now that's a two!"
Three: "Backwards C, backwards C, and that is how you make a three!"
Four: "Trace down the side, cross the middle for fun. Top to bottom, and you are done!
Five: "Trace down the side, curve like that; back to the dot and make a hat!"
Six: Monkey's tail needs a fix! Come on, let's make a six!"
Seven: "Across the sky and down from heaven, that is how we make a seven!"
Eight: "Make and S and do not stop, go right back up and an eight you've got!"
Nine: "A hoop and a line, that is how we make the number nine!"

Reminder about snack: Parents, please do not send candy for snack. I know it was Halloween and you have an overload of candy at your home, but our school promotes healthy and nutritious snacks. Also, please limit snack to one snack only. The children take a very long time when they have more than one snack to eat.

I am sure you have been doing many fall activities with your child, but here is a yummy recipe that gets your child in the kitchen!

- Mrs. Bowen

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